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RV There Yet?!

Map Flat



Read up on our adventures on the road. Follow along as we document our journey across the country.

Today is the New Payday

ZayZoon is changing the way employees get paid with Wages On-Demand.

  • 01 THE WHAT
  • 02 THE WHY
  • 03 THE HOW

PayDay, Are We There Yet?

ZayZoon is going on tour across America to connect with our partners and meet the communities that we are impacting. Our President, Tate Hackert, will be traveling coast to coast in the Wage Wagon, joined by ZayZooners along the way.

Our Mission

ZayZoon is on a mission to improve employees financial wellness and protect them from predatory lending. One of our core values is to be People-Driven, this is why we want to meet everyone we touch across America.

It's Time For A Road Trip!

We are going on tour across America in our very own Wage Wagon. Follow our trip and see where our next stop is, we would love to meet all of you!

PAWTY Pit Stops


ZayZoon is coming to a pit stop near you! Take a look at some of our stops planned along the way so far.
17 Pit Stops
17 Partners to visit
2,700 Miles to be driven
17,000 High fives coming
ZZ Radio


Listen in on our road trip songs. Sing along and make it loud. We want to hear you from where you are!

Join Us On This Journey

ZayZoon is changing the way employees get paid with Wages On-Demand.