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Do you have a client that needs earned wage access?

Apply to become a ZayZoon  partner and register your client opportunity!

Our Wages On-Demand product is the only solution in the market that is built for Payroll and HCM solution providers to serve their clients.

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Employees at these companies use ZayZoon

ZayZoon-App Mockup-1-Wages Available


Offer a differentiator to your clients

30% of Employees will use ZayZoon and reduce their stress levels. Employers save thousands a year on hiring, recruitment and productivity loss.

Wages On-Demand is In Demand

89% of employees are willing to stay longer at an employer who offers earned wage access. ZayZoon's client base is growing over 400% yours?

Something to talk about

Financial stress has never been more top of mind for employers. Offering ZayZoon will get you more conversations and more leads to sell your core product.

We do the heavy lifting

Simply bring us the lead and do the intro. We will help sell the deal and integrate seamlessly. Our team will do all the support. Simply sit back and collect your referral bonus.

Apply to become a ZayZoon partner